In collaboration with Governor De Graaff School, the JTL Autism Foundation orchestrated a remarkable 'Blue Powder Walk' to inaugurate Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month, leaving an indelible mark on the local community.
Dozens of students from St. Eustatius' primary schools, adorned in vibrant spectrum colors, embarked on a symbolic march, brandishing placards to demonstrate solidarity with individuals on the autism spectrum. Against a backdrop of community support, including dignitaries like Deputy Commissioner Claudia Toet, teachers, and members of the JTL Autism Foundation, the procession made its way from the old terminal building at the airport to the Sonny Cranston sports field.
The highlight of the event came as students released blue powder into the air, symbolizing unity and acceptance. Witnessing the enthusiasm and engagement of the students affirmed our dedication to advocating for those on the autism spectrum, echoing the sentiments of Aisheline Maduro, the Foundation's secretary.
Participation from Bethel Methodist School and other educational institutions underscored the outpouring of love and awareness, as emphasized by Jarmila Wilson, the school's principal. The collaborative effort also received support from local entities like the police department, the Red Cross, and DROB, ensuring a safe and successful event.
Generous contributions from sponsors like Angels Administration, BenLijf Partners, and the St. Eustatius Tourism Development Foundation facilitated the event's success, enabling memorable experiences for participants. Javanca Merkman, a board member of the JTL Autism Foundation, expressed excitement for future editions, highlighting the camaraderie and sense of community fostered by the inaugural Blue Powder Walk.
Through this initiative, the JTL Autism Foundation continues to foster understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with autism, catalyzing meaningful change within the local community.